Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Little lady

Last time I photographed baby Eva, she was a couple of months old. I can't believe what a sweet little baby lady she is becoming! She loved wearing the pearls and hats and ruffles- to my delight! She is at that super fun age to photograph. She is rolling (but not too mobile), loves to smile at her mommy and daddy, will look at me if I hold the cheerios, and is so dang happy.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

A sunny day at the beach... February. Do not let the beautiful family frolicking in the sunshine fool you. It was chilly. But, despite the nip in the air, we had a great time. Baby Jack was so adorable and we just had to wrap him in blankets between outfit changes to warm up a little. Lots of snuggling was called for also. Well, the snuggling probably was gonna happen no matter what. That's just what you do with a cute baby like that. Thanks G family- loved the day!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I love maternity shoots. It's so exciting to see first time parents preparing for such a miracle. Adrienne and Chad were so easy to work with too. Their home had such great light, they went along with my standing on furniture and kitchen counters and relocating furniture to various parts of the room. Chad also gave me such a nice compliment- I gave him a peek of a picture I had just taken, and he said,"it's crazy how you make something look better in the picture than what I am seeing with my eyes". Well, it was not hard to make these two look good!