Monday, March 29, 2010

Bright and happy on a gray day

Outdoor photos in winter in Washington can be a bit dicey, but the gray day and bare trees really let the bright personality of B shine. These pictures marked her 4th birthday, and she was so excited for weeks leading up to the shoot. She picked out her own outfit from the store, and we all went to the party store to pick out matching balloons on the way to this Puyallup park. Happy birthday lovely B!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Welcome to the world

I was honored to be able to photograph this sweet baby girl on her 11th day in this world! You might remember her from the earlier post, "The Bump and Scooter", her being the bump. We had big plans on getting her to sleep and pose her any which way we wanted, but 3 hours into it, we figured out that she was just too excited about photos to nap! We still got lots of cute pictures, and only got peed on twice. Welcome sweet P!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Watch AJ grow: Month 4

Here we are another month later with AJ. He was a doll as always, and I must give a kudos to his mom for keeping up with all these pictures! She is so dedicated to stick with these monthly photos, and I think it will be such a treasure to have all these stages of life documented.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Short, dark and handsome

When I got home from this photo shoot and saw this first picture, I was soooo happy. Little man J has such big brown darling eyes, and check out how gorgeous his mama is. I adore how lovingly she is looking at her sweet little baby- they grow up so fast.... ok, I'm getting all emotional now. It's so fulfilling to be able to help preserve these precious and fleeting moments for families!