Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Heart breakers

What a handsome couple of brothers! We headed down to Sumner to capture some updated headshots for J and M. They have already been modeling for a while, so of course they were both awesome at posing for pictures. My husband thinks that J looks a little like John Legend. You think? All I know is that these boys are gonna break some hearts one day!

Monday, February 1, 2010

The bump and scooter

I had to include this picture with this family's oldest child, Scooter. This was a hilarious photo shoot, because Scooter was, well, let's say enamored with me. I don't think the poor thing had a clue what this baby bump photo shoot was all about, and what was about to happen in his world! Thanks J and N and Scooter of course for letting me be a part of this exciting time!