This fun photo session was quick and hilarious. I got to shoot 8 groups of people at a small little computer company called Microsoft. Everyone had fun with the pictures, and I had to throw out a few of the shots due to camera shake from me laughing.
I had a little mini-shoot with baby R and his momma and dadda. It was a super gray and rainy day, so our hopes of outdoor pictures were out the window. I think we got some sunny smiles though!
Just look at those big blue eyes, and just look and that silly happy girl. And what I really love is that this little guy just adores his big sister! I had the best time taking pictures of this great family!
Wow. Is there really anything cuter than a giant baby smile? Answer: no. This photo session for J's 6 month mark was so full of laughs and smiles. What an adorable family!!
I love this grungy setting we found for these photos. It just shows off even more how cute these two siblings are! We also stopped by a park for more pictures, but once the playground area was spotted, we had limited time and attention! I'm looking forward to the family session coming soon with the just-as-stunning mom and dad.
Wow! My friend J is so beautiful in her ninth month of pregnancy! As I post this blog she is in labor with this baby boy. Good luck J- can't wait to meet him!
This maternity shoot with the R family came not a moment too soon; baby arrived about a week later! Ok, I guess we could have cut it a little closer, but I think we timed it pretty well. And no, I did not photoshop out any stretch marks- mom's belly is just that perfect! Congratulations on your sweet little addition!
I love to do a photo shoot when my model is up for anything. Like wearing a tie, taking an outdoors bubble bath, and getting that oh-so-embarrasing-but-classic-and-adorable naked baby picture. Thanks to baby R, his momma, and his doggies for being such good sports!
Can I even tell you how beautiful this baby girl is? We had a 6 month old photo shoot at her house and got so many awesome pictures. It is sooo hard to pick just a few for this post. Must... stop...posting....